Our Youth MinistryOur Youth Ministry at FBNV for teens in 6th-12th grade is designed to see teens grow in their relationship with God.
1. Youth Group and Dinner. (Sept. through May) Sundays 5-7 PM Our youth group is a gospel-centered ministry that allows those close and far from God to come together and talk about relevant issues that teens deal with in age and gender-distinct small groups. It is a place where teens can hang out together, ask real questions, and get real answers. Also, many of our students come right from a sports practice or game. SO - dinner is included! 2. Sunday School Sundays 9:30-10:30 AM This ministry teaches about how to live the Christian life and deal with cultural issues through apologetics. Our subject matter is typically deeper than Youth Group, and each student is held accountable to practice what is taught. 3. Serving in Church Wherever and whenever possible Our third step in the growth of our students is to see them actively involved in the Church body. Not only do we encourage church membership, but also serving in the church. Teens can serve in Children's church, on our AV team, or even as a part of our hospitality committee. This teaches them to contribute to the body so that the transition from youth group to the larger family of church is both smooth and natural. |